Thursday, July 10, 2008

Windows Live Writer- Cool Tool

I just re-installed Live Writer -among other programs since re-installing Windows , ugh!  Just had to try it out and make sure it installed or re-installed correctly ;-)  Windows Live Writer is a neat tool that allows you to post to your blogs from your desktop w/o having to log into each one individually. it's great for  creating posts offline when your in that writing mode and schedule them to be posted at a later date.

If you have several blogs, then this can be a time-saver, but you still need to  log  in to your blog to approve comments or maintenance.

You can read more about it and  Download Windows Live Writer

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Learning Style- What's Yours?

How do you Learn? I am a visual, kinesthetic and auditory learner. I learn best by actually doing it myself and not so good from reading a book, as we did in school unless I physically wrote the information down. I also tend to get bored very easily if it's not a topic I'm not particularly interested in or doesn't match my learning style.

Thanks to my friend and business partner, Karen Stavert, I came across a site about learning/teaching styles and learned a bunch, especially about myself. The site gives some great tips for each style and helped me understand myself a bit more about the challenges I have with learning new things and possibly how to be a better teacher and mentor.

It's a great site if you have school aged kids. There's plenty of tips and strategies to make them better students and do better in school.

Suite 101 explains the learning differences in right brained and left brained people that is easy to understand.

Get on over to the Internet Income Lab Tues night for a free Blogging class.

So, how do you learn? What are your learning challenges? maybe together we can develop straegies to help.

Talk to you next time,

Kathy Pop